Paradise Ministries
Reach & Go

Outreach and Missions are part of our identity. We our proud to support our community and show the true meaning of “Christian love”.
Paradise United Church of Christ seeks to provide a window through which the warmth and wisdom of Jesus can be clearly seen by everyone. We seek to embody the love of Jesus Christ through worship, spiritual growth, Christian education and service to God and his community.

Outreach & Missions
Explore these opportunities to get involved with members of Paradise Church!
The primary goal of this group is to make comforters for the Crossroad Children’s Home in Indiana. The group meets every Tuesday from 10 until 2 to work on the many steps that it takes to complete a comforter. The goal is for each child at the children’s home to have his/her own comforter to keep as a constant reminder that they are in our thoughts and prayers. Paradise Quilters is a self-supporting group that does many projects to raise the funds for the purchase of the necessary materials to make these comforters. All are welcome.
One of the many groups at Paradise United Church of Christ that makes our church so special is His Carpenters Helpers. This is a group of members who use their God-given skills to help maintain the church building. Over the years, this group has used all types of building skills, muscle, and common sense to keep the maintenance costs down and the quality of the building up. In addition to the physical benefits to the church, the members themselves get much satisfaction from their work and enjoy the fellowship that working with others can bring.
Cub Scouts meet (depending on grade level) Mondays from 6-8 and Thursdays from 7-8.
Volunteer Opportunities
ARK- Acts of Random Kindness

Summer Lunch Program
Providing lunch groceries to Louisville families the 2nd & 4th Thursdays in June/July, 4:30- 5:30pm at St. Stephen Martyr Lutheran Church on Nickelplate, or the White Bus Shelter on the corner of Rt. 44 and Chapel Ridge.
Click here for more information:

Conference House Build
Conference House Build We will be sending a team from Paradise Church to Templed Hills on August 25-26 to participate in a House Build for Disaster Response Ministries. This is a unique opportunity to work alongside UCC members from across a 3-state area, to use or learn skills, and to minister to those in need. If you are interested, please contact Debbie Jones (330-313-6078) as soon as possible to complete registration.
Follow this link for more information:

The Blessings Box
The blessing box located under the carport of the west side of the church could always use donations of non-perishable foods. Sometimes there are many items in there, and then they are gone! The need for families is on-going, so whatever you can donate, we appreciate the help.
Follow this link for more information:

Red Cross Blood Drive
Saturday, August 26, 2023 from 10am – 3pm in Fellowship Hall. For an appointment please contact The Red Cross at 1-800-733-2767 or visit and enter ParadiseUnited as the sponsor keyword.